Type 41 Gate Valve
AXON’s Type 41 Gate Valve offers bi-directional sealing and utilizes a non-rising stem, making it ideally suited for drilling manifold and production operations. Precise manufacturing controls are employed to achieve reliability and performance. This gate valve is available for operating pressures up to 20,000 PSI, which meets all API 6A PSL levels. Moreover, the AXON Type 41 can be equipped with hydraulic actuators for manifold or subsea service.

Key features
- Solid one-piece gate construction
- Metal-to-metal seal surfaces
- Forged body construction
- Cobalt alloy seat rings
Figure 1
- Upstream internal pressure equalizes the Body cavity
pressure and pushes the floating Gate against the
opposite side of the valve - Metal to metal seals form between the Gate, Seat Ring,
Body Bushing, and Body Interfaces

Figure 2
- Large area acted on by the pressure, generating significant
sealing pressure (3-4 times the initial pressure applied) on
the seal surfaces - Body cavity equalization occurs across the Seat Ring to
Body Bushing interfaces; easily replaceable in the oilfield